The Mortal Kombat performance of the "127FMB" industrial dance team

Описание к видео The Mortal Kombat performance of the "127FMB" industrial dance team

We are 127th Freak Metrosexual Brigade and we will destroy your dance floor!

Hi there.. This is Denis Humphrey, and I'm a member of my first industrial dance team. Once, at an industrial battle, I was asked how to learn to dance like you? I want to too! I started training first one, then the second, and 10 people joined who really want it.. The beautiful girl Meylis also wanted to participate with her light show, I have been mentoring the guys in the industrial style for a long time, and now we can show something, but this is not the end, this is just the beginning!

A new channel of our brigade will appear soon


Информация по комментариям в разработке