How to adjust an expansion watch strap- taking BERNY 2167L as an example

Описание к видео How to adjust an expansion watch strap- taking BERNY 2167L as an example

To remove an expansion band link, follow these steps:
1. Locate the links you want to remove. Look for two tabs next to each other on both the inside and outside of the watch band. In total, there will typically be four tabs to pry up for each side of the band to remove one link.
2. Take a small, thin tool like a paper clip or a pin. Insert it into the gap between the tab and the rest of the link.
3. Gently pry up on the tabs by applying light pressure. Be careful not to exert too much force to avoid damaging the band or the tabs.
4. Repeat the process for all four tabs on the desired link. Once all four tabs are pried up, the link should be free to be removed.
5. Carefully slide out the link from the rest of the band. Pay attention to how the link is connected to ensure you can easily reattach it if needed.
6. If you need to remove more links, repeat the above steps for each additional link until you achieve the desired size.
7. To reassemble the band, align the remaining links and push them together until the tabs click back into place.

Remember, these instructions are general and may vary depending on the specific design of your expansion band. It's advisable to consult the manufacturer's instructions or seek assistance from a professional if you encounter any difficulties or have concerns about removing the links.


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