🔥Havoc OS R v4.8 OFFICIAL For Redmi Note 4/4x mido 🔥

Описание к видео 🔥Havoc OS R v4.8 OFFICIAL For Redmi Note 4/4x mido 🔥

Build Date: 07 August 2021 By: Erick Eagle
Download : https://www.pling.com/p/1485626/#file...
Gapps Flame 11 basic : https://sourceforge.net/projects/flam...
Device CL
Built with clang 12.0.7
Added Advanced Controls (only for kcals)
Enable zram-writeback job
Update DRM widevine from Crosshatch
Enable vibration intensity control
Update power profile
Configure SQLite to operate in MEMORY mode
Update blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-04200-89xx.0
Switch to custom thermal config (thanks to @Kingsmanz)
Enable low ram flags for 2GB RAM version
Kang walleye offsets for GPU composition
Enable haptic text cursor
Switch to aidl vibrator hal

Source CL
Merged July and August Security Patch (android-11.0.0_r39/40)
Added Hotspot client manager
Added Auto-brightness icon to QS footer
Improved QS Panel layout in landscape
Improved FOD with Assistant on Lockscreen
Improved Night Light transition
Improved Brightness slider animation
Improved touch for captions and ringer button when on landscape
Improved scrolling in some apps
Improved some UI elements for user fonts
Improved vertical padding between QS tiles
Spoofed device for a few more Google apps
Removed VoLTE slice from MobileDataPanel
Fixed Status icons activity crash
Fixed Auto-hide clock for right/center clock positions
Fixed Clock icon in Kai, Victor icon packs
Fixed wiping dynamic partitions in Havoc-OS Recovery
Added Google Search Widget to homescreen dock
Improved homescreen dock padding
Fixed Kill App button in recents app sheet
Fixed Blur not showing in some scenarios
Other fixes and improvements
Group: @havoc_mido
Select Rom-Swipe to confirm flash
Select GApps-Swipe to confirm flash
Wipe Cache/Dalvik-Reboot System
#HavocOSRv4_8 #RedmiNote4mido #Greekflashandupdates


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