How to respond to a disclosure of abuse.

Описание к видео How to respond to a disclosure of abuse.

How to respond safely to a disclosure abuse. In this video on disclosing abuse we'll cover quite a sensitive topic, but one that is important to understand. I run a number of safeguarding courses and the most common questions I am asked is:

'If a child or adult tells me they are being harmed/abused - what do I do?'

Some key principles to consider are:

- Listen to exactly what the person is saying - don't jump to conclusions.
- Never promise to keep a secret!
- Apply the TED principle - ask the person to Tell, Explain and Describe what happened
- Record keeping is key - when and where the conversation took place, what was said etc.

I hope you find this video on disclosing abuse useful and you feel better prepared for the situation should it arise.


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