Why I Decided to Write My Own Book | Soha Ali Khan

Описание к видео Why I Decided to Write My Own Book | Soha Ali Khan

I wanted to write, but I think, you know, a little bit of laziness where you, again, you always find something to do. I knew that if I wrote a book, that I would want to write it myself. Um, I'm also a bit of a control freak. Um, so, you know, I didn't want to leave it to be ghost written or anything.

Um, so, uh, I have to say that it was really penguin, um, who are responsible for this. And they came to me and they said, you know, we do know that you like to read, and, you know, you've been to a good university. Presumably you can write. Why don't you write a book?

Fiction, non fiction, whatever. And I thought might be interesting for a reader would be to read what is hopefully something that is tongue in cheek and funny, because I think a sense of humor is very important. Um, and I thought, why don't I write about what it's like to be me, what it's like to be a modern day princess, what it's like to belong to a terribly famous family. Um, what is it like to be recognized in the street? But sometimes people struggle to find your name, you know?

So I thought it might be something that people will relate to, because also, there are many things in my life that I've done which are relatable, which strike a chord with people.


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