Hypothesis testing: step-by-step, p-value, t-test for difference of two means - Statistics Help

Описание к видео Hypothesis testing: step-by-step, p-value, t-test for difference of two means - Statistics Help

This entertaining video works step-by-step through a hypothesis test, using the difference of two means as an example. Helen wishes to know whether giving away free stickers will increase her chocolate sales.
There are five steps:
0:25 Hypotheses
1:27 Significance Level
1:47 Sample
1:54 p-value
2:00 Decide

This is a companion video for "Understanding the p-value".    • P-value in statistics: Understanding ...  
The same data is analysed in "Two means t-test in Excel"    • Two means t-test in Excel - Statistic...  
To find out what it means for a result to be statistically significant see Understanding Statistical Significance:    • Understanding Statistical Significanc...  

For explanation about paired data see:    • Paired samples and independent sample...  
And for analysis of paired data see:    • Two means t-test in Excel - Statistic...  

See https://creativemaths.net/videos/ for all of Dr Nic's videos organised by topic.
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