T8 Cruiser SN Numancia, 55,900 dmg, 3 kills. Pick your spots and rain hell

Описание к видео T8 Cruiser SN Numancia, 55,900 dmg, 3 kills. Pick your spots and rain hell

Numancia is frustrating in its requirement for patience. Burst fire can do a lot of damage in a short period, but you need to be smart enough to pick your spots or you’ll find yourself running for your life with nothing to shoot back. Torps are 5.5km, so like a German Cruiser they’re more for defence, opportune usage.

Despite the range guns are more effective under 7km, and burst can do a tonne of damage if your can get a salvo off with auto aim toggled off.

Still, did enough damage to push the Mainz out of main combat for most of the fight, surprised the crap out of the Atlanta and surprised myself when I burst down the Bismarck.


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