Huge Dating Mistake Women Make when guys try to approach them | This Can Help to avoid F boys

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Huge Dating Mistake Women Make when guys try to approach them | This Can Help to avoid F boys

Sometimes women make mistakes with men and miss judge men when they approach them. They mistake nervousness for low confidence and low self esteem. They assume low value of any man who appears to have too much concern over what they think. They forget the pressure that men are under in those moments to say the right things. Look cool, and not make them feel uncomfortable. They don’t often remember how nervous they themselves would be if they were approaching a stranger. They are critical of guys they think are too nice, or too nervous. They hate the idea of too much respect and mistake a man’s caution for fear. They assume that if he was a masculine man he wouldn’t be nervous. This is ignorance. Real men can be alpha and nervous at times. When a man doesn’t care about the interaction then he may appear more confident but that confidence may not be in himself or who he is. He may just not value women very much. A man’s confidence on approach doesn’t actually preview what type of partner he will be.


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