【美股投资省税】非美国身份买美股,「一招」免缴任何资本利得税?股息利息省超多?有赠与税和遗产税吗?| 华人美国通EP35

Описание к видео 【美股投资省税】非美国身份买美股,「一招」免缴任何资本利得税?股息利息省超多?有赠与税和遗产税吗?| 华人美国通EP35


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美国泛宇集团TransGlobal Holding Company有超过30年的财务规划与管理经验,专门为美国亚裔社区服务。由创始人兼总裁胡正国先生 Philip Hu的远见,于2008-2009年全球金融风暴时期逆势而为,相较于其他金融公司都在收紧业务之际,总裁胡正国先生反而开始积极地扩展事业版图,于全美各州招募人才,广设分公司,于短短的数年间,服务范围由加州扩展至全美主要城市,包括加州、纽约州、乔志亚州、麻州、德州、伊利诺伊州、北卡罗来纳州、华盛顿州、夏威夷州、宾州以及关岛, 于上述商业发展蓬勃的13大州设立28+间分公司; 横跨美国东西岸, 都有美国泛宇集团的专业理财规划团队为您服务。



TransGlobal Holding Company has over 30 years of experience in financial planning and management, aiming to serve the Asian communities in the U.S. With the vision of president and owner Philip Hu, the company excelled against the trend during the financial crisis from 2008 to 2009. While other financial companies tightened their businesses, President Philip Hu actively enlarged his business by recruiting nationwide talent and launching new branches. In just a few years, TransGlobal expanded beyond California to the East Coast, establishing branches in 25 major cities with vigorous growth that span 13 states, including California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Texas, Washington, Georgia, North Carolina, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Hawaii. From the West Coast to the East Coast, TransGlobal’s financial planning professionals are now better able to serve their clients.

Since 2015, President Philip Hu has implemented his innovative, progressive strategy, leading TransGlobal to integrate new product lines under the company, enlarging the group’s scope of service from life insurance, annuity, and financial management, to now encompassing mortgage financing, real estate, tax services, asset management, and health insurance. Recruiting the most talented industry professionals to create a well-rounded financial planning platform provides clients with the prompt, professional, and complete all-in-one wealth management service clients seek.


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