AVL Tree Program, Implementation of AVL tree, AVL tree in data structure, data structures, AVL trees

Описание к видео AVL Tree Program, Implementation of AVL tree, AVL tree in data structure, data structures, AVL trees


AVL program, Implementation of AVL Trees, AVL Tree insertion, AVL trees operations, AVL trees in data structures, AVL Tree, Height balanced binary search tree, AVL tree in data structure, self-balanced binary search trees, BST, data structures

Welcome to CSIT Tutorials by KanyaKumari.

An AVL tree is a type of self-balancing binary search tree (BST). It was the first such data structure to be invented, named after its inventors, Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis. The primary goal of an AVL tree is to keep the height of the tree logarithmic in the number of nodes, ensuring that operations such as insertions, deletions, and lookups can be performed efficiently.

Balance Factor: For each node in the tree, the height difference between the left and right subtrees is at most 1. This difference is called the balance factor, and it can be -1, 0, or +1.
BF(n)=height(left subtree)−height(right subtree)

if inserted on left side,
Apply single left rotation or double right-left rotation

if inserted on right side,
Apply single right rotation or double left-right rotation

Also watch:

1. AVL Trees Introduction, Rotations, Construction examples:
   • AVL Trees  

2. Linear Data structures:    • Плейлист  

3.Non-Linear data structures:    • Non Linear data structures  

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