Amazing Black Pearls. History of origin. "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Описание к видео Amazing Black Pearls. History of origin. "Pirates of the Caribbean"

The name "Black Pearl" is in it self mysterious and has become world famous with The Walt Disney Company's "Pirates of the Caribbean". The origin of this reputation might have started in the 1500s with the dark pearls of so-called Panamic black-lipped pearl oyster (Pinctada mazatlanica) in the Americas and with other rare natural dark pearls from other molluscs (e.g. Pteria sterna). Today, most black pearls are the so-called Tahitian cultured pearls, produced in the black-lipped pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera cummingi) notably in French Polynesia, with smaller production in the Cook Islands, Japan and Micronesia, in sizes from 8-13 mm, occasionally 16-20 mm, being very rare over 20 mm (sizes of 5-7 mm have been recently reported). The majority is beaded (with a shell nucleus) and occasional smaller non-bead cultured pearls (keshi) form accidentally or intentionally during culturing process.
The first culturing attempts were recorded in 1884 in French Polynesia when Bouchon Bradley grew cultured blisters. Even Kokichi Mikimoto tried this pearl oyster in Okinawa in 1914. The first successful whole cultured pearls are credited to Jean-Marie Domard and Churoku Muroi in the early 1960s at the Hikeru Atoll in Bora Bora, with the first press coverage in 1965 announcing the new “Bora Bora pearls”. The "Tahitian" name for these pearls came later.

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