Women in Church | Daniel Grothe | November 6th

Описание к видео Women in Church | Daniel Grothe | November 6th

Good morning! Join us for worship and our series on the book of 1st Timothy.

Worship: 0:00
Tithes & Offerings: 24:15
Sermon: 32:10
The Table: 1:18:04

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Sermon Notes:
Women should be silent in the church” ought to sound strange to us, not because we are enlightened moderns, but precisely because we have been reading the entire Bible.
Women are everywhere in the Bible leading, teaching, preaching, prophesying, and governing.

Timeline: get a graphic that populates real-time on the screen—cross in the center of timeline

So, while there’s a general cultural atmosphere of patriarchy, the Biblical narrative subverts it!

• A woman, Mary, is called to bear the Messiah
• Wealthy women in Jesus’ ministry—played a key role, women entrepreneurs funded J!
• Mary and Martha—“sit at the feet” of the master—STUDENTS IN RABBINICAL SCHOOL
• Mary Magdalene becomes apostle to the apostles…first PREACHER of the resurrection

• Women are EVERYWHERE and ALSO play a key role
• Junia is called an apostle (Romans 16:7)
• Philip’s four unmarried daughters who prophesy (Acts 21:9)
• Priscilla is generally mentioned first in her relationship with Aquila as a teacher
• Phoebe is called a DEACON and a LEADER/RULER of the church in Cenchraea (Romans 16:1-2)
• Lydia pays Paul’s bills

So let me ask: “Have women historically been silent in the church?”
The EVIDENCE tells us that women led at every level in the early church
And Paul told us this was coming:
Galatians 3:28—“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus…”

But some read 1 Timothy 2 in a way that has Paul reversing course!
Q: Why would Paul call an audible and make a universal prohibition against women speaking?
Short answer is: HE WOULDN’T!

Three Ways of Reading 1 Timothy 2:8-15:
1. Paul’s a pig-headed misogynist—but that doesn’t square with what we know of him!
a. Lydia, Phoebe, Priscilla, Junia, etc.
2. Paul’s an old man that’s gone senile—but, if that’s the case, we’ve got to throw the whole letter away on the grounds that it’s untrustworthy. The rest of the letter is crisp and coherent.
Neither of these options hold up under close scrutiny!
3. Paul has good reasons for putting a very brief stop to women teaching, and only in the Ephesian church.
Notice what Paul says?
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit (epitrepo) a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.

In 1 Timothy 2, Paul was not making a universal ruling on women preaching, he was encouraging temporary restraint.

But Paul speaks to the men along these lines, as well.
1 Timothy 2:8—Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.

Paul is saying, YOU CAN TRUST GOD. You don’t have to go to Artemis. You don’t have to be afraid. You don’t have to earn your protection. You don’t have to run yourself ragged like that.
God will protect you!

Let me tell you what’s happening right now:
We’re all living downstream and paying for the sins committed and the obstacles created upstream.

22 female pastors on our staff!
Two weeks ago, Beth Moore preached the lights out here.
In the next year, you’re going to hear Jordan Victoria Lewis preach her first sermon here.
In the next year, you’re going to hear from one of the premier OT scholars, Dr. Sandra Richter

The goal is not for women to step out & swing the pendulum & dominate an anti-male world.

Men of God, serve, bless, strengthen, encourage, do everything you can to make life better for the women God has placed around you!
Women of God, first, for any obstacles you’ve had to face unnecessarily, I’m sorry. And I pray today that you feel the strength and courage of God rising in you. We need you. The world needs you. I pray that you feel permission. That you take risks. That you know how loved you are.


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