Explained : Vest Fits — Tapered v Relaxed.

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Which one is right for you?.. it depends. Your height, weight, and style all come into it when choosing the right vest. Get your 'know' on with Steve & Alex.

Basically what we are going to do is talk about Follow vest fits for this 2023 season,
And here’s my guinea pig! Because basically we don’t have a vest that fits me – well not in the samples anyway. But what we did this year and one of the biggest things due to the restrictions of some of the factories that we have and the manufacturing issues we have all had and seen we were limited a little with our development. And rather than sit back this year and say ‘I can’t do anything!’ we are just going to do new cuts. Instead I start afresh!

So generally when you size scale or build a product, what we used to do, and I’m pretty sure most people go this way is that they build a standard medium or a large, and then it’s an equal scalability size all the way through the range. So there will be a perfect medium and then as the vest gets bigger and bigger and bigger it just scales evenly. I threw that concept out the window, because a small has a different body shape to someone who’s a large and extra large so we took our know how of 13 years of research and development of refining our cuts and its something that I've done 10 times probably over refining our cuts and it's something the last 13 years it's something I've always worked on but we've never approached it from a brand new scale where a smaller vest is narrower with a smaller chest you know with some length and then a medium scales and then once you get to like an extra-large. It doesn't need to keep scaling bigger in the chest and it needs to just go wider because basically we all get a little bit happier.

So to scale that all the way from a teen or an extra small up to a six extra large it involves a lot of work. Super happy with the work we did! The feedback's been phenomenal I can't wait for everyone to touch and feel this and what we did was we've just simplified it into two Styles so we've got a ‘tapered fit’ and then we're calling it a ‘relax’ right? So similar to a t-shirt concept, accept that a tapered fit is a narrower pull, so it's really based off our original Pro Fit which, Alex I think you've been riding in for as far as I know yeah? since we have had it, yeah?

So the thing with a tapered Pro Fit is that some guys are skinny you know and then we used to have a bit more aggressive waste and then we've had some slack in the past with some of our vests because they weren't scaled evenly, they were scaled evenly, they weren't scaled for the individual size so a Pro Fit would generally in the past only fit a certain body type.

With the new fit what we've done is just taken everything we've learned, and we've actually added some width into the lower part of the section of the best we kept the chest fit quite firm. So I don't know if you want to try this on Alex? So you can be our, yeah, my model or a whatever one you want to call it, the concept of this was that we've been fighting people on how to fit a vest properly for years, you know we always have the thing of suck it in, zip it up and the first initial concept of the vest is just put it on and you go all right awesome, so this is first edit too PS, but I look at that and I'm stoked, you know for me it's a perfect shoulder fit through it,

Can you turn for me model? So through the back he's got nice things, armholes you know they're all perfect, everything about that I get happy about it so that's our more tapered fit which obviously Alex is you know obviously an ideal candid for that and he'd been riding in our Pro Fit for a long period of time we've then had a huge success with the relaxed fit or the happy fit back in the day so we generally found at a retail level, that bit more sort of looser fitting jacket has been selling well in store I'm not always a huge fan because you want a vest to feel firm you, want it to stop lifting in the water and I think it's something that people counteract but as an example this is a small in the ‘happy fit’ for the ‘relaxed fit’, sorry we call it now I'm still trying to get used to the concept so instantly this basically is another couple of inches through the lower section for Alex and it should be a little bit lower under his arms you know so it's still a small is still a small and that's the bit that I'm trying to get across here is that this will still fit a variety of people but the zip up should be a little bit smoother because it's actually got an extra sort of couple of inches in width through the lower section but we still maintain that performance fit through the chest and under the arms any questions on that

uh no
oh yeah it makes sense!


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