How to Join Civ 6 Players League

Описание к видео How to Join Civ 6 Players League

Hello! This video is to help you setup your user account for the Civilization Players League. Follow the instructions in the video using the links in the description below and get setup in 5 minutes. Feel free to message me for any help.

Getting Started:
1) Join the Discord

2) Connect Steam Profile to Discord

3) Join our league by signing up here:

4) Ask an @Admin or @Moderator to give you permission after you link your account and join the league.

5) Once you have permission, go to the staging ranked/unranked lobby to the left, figure out the host, join their game and then move down to a game lobby below.

6) Join the group chat and connect on a player in your lobby


Информация по комментариям в разработке