腦中風肩手復康運動 [Eng Subtitles] Stroke Rehab Exercises for Hand and Shoulder

Описание к видео 腦中風肩手復康運動 [Eng Subtitles] Stroke Rehab Exercises for Hand and Shoulder

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接着上一次直播邀請了霍偉明醫生醫生, (腦神經專科)講解腦中風的先兆及治療方法,今次會講解手部及肩膊之中風復康運動。這六個運動都是根據九個原則及六個階段來設計。如果當中有什麼關於中風的問題可電郵給霍醫生[email protected]

Dr. Joe 也為大家示範這些膊頭及手背中風復康運動,但如果做的時候有問題或者痛楚,就要問你的醫生及治療師。

In this last live video, Dr. Joe invited Dr. Joshua Fok (Specialist in Neurology) to talk about stroke and related symptoms. In this video, Dr. Joe discussed the 9 principles for stroke rehab exercises and the 6 Brunnstom stages of muscle recovery. If unfortunately, you have a stroke, you should start the rebab exercise immediately. For any questions about stroke, you can contact Dr. Fok by email: [email protected]

Dr. Joe demonstrated the Stroke Rehab exercises for the upper limb. Remember, if during or after doing the exercises, you feel more pain and discomfort, please consult a doctor for further professional treatments.

0:00 介紹 Introduction
1:02 中風後復康運動之九大原則 9 Key Principles for Stroke Rehab Exercises
7:09 布朗斯壯之中風復康六階段Brunnstom’s 6 Stages of Muscles Recovery
10:31 運動一:手肩掌被動式活動Exercise 1: Passive arm and shoulder movements
12:47 運動二:肩部關節活動Exercise 2: Shoulder joint movements
14:13 運動三:抹枱Exercise 3: Wiping the table
15:32 運動四:按摩球按手Exercise 4: Massage ball in hand
17:40 運動五:手指強化Exercise 5: Strengthening the fingers
18:38 運動六: 泥膠Exercise 6: Playdough

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This video (including but not limited to its description, comments, and statements made therein) is for informational purposes only. This video is not and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. You are advised to obtain professional medical advice or treatment from a qualified medical professional. You are solely at your own risk should you decide to follow or administer any of the treatments shown in this video. If you do so and feel unwell or in pain at any point, please stop immediately and contact a qualified medical professional or visit the nearest hospital emergency department.

Dr. Joseph Wong and [Dr. Joe Wong] do not accept any liability for any losses, injuries, or damages arising from any action that you may take or refrain from taking in reliance of the contents of this video.


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