Everyday English conversation (Buying and selling vocabulary) English Conversation Practice

Описание к видео Everyday English conversation (Buying and selling vocabulary) English Conversation Practice

In this video, you will watch and listen an English conversation practice about Everyday English conversation (Buying and selling vocabulary), so you can improve your English and speak as a Native. I hope you can reach your objective very soon. 🧡

👉Jobs, careers, professions and occupations conversation:
   • Jobs, careers, professions and occupa...  

👉 First conditional conversation (Father giving advice):
   • First conditional conversation (Fathe...  

👉 Daily life conversation (How to be fit and healthy):
   • Daily life conversation (How to be fi...  

👉 Daily life conversation (Low employee motivation):
   • Daily life conversation (Low employee...  

👉 Family life conversation (We don't want to have children):
   • Family life conversation (We don't wa...  

👉Job interview English conversation (Tell me about yourself):
   • Job interview English conversation (T...  

👉 Family life Conversation (I can't stand mom's new boyfriend):
   • Family life Conversation (I can't sta...  

👉Future Simple Conversation - Will vs Going to (Weird friend):
   • Future Simple Conversation - Will vs ...  

👉 Daily routines Conversation (Falling in love with a millionaire):
   • Daily routines Conversation (Falling ...  


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