Grand Canyon of the Stikine - 1st Descent 1981

Описание к видео Grand Canyon of the Stikine - 1st Descent 1981

The first descent of the Grand Canyon of the Stikine River in 1981. The kayak team was led by Rob Lesser with Don Banducci, Lars Holbek, Rick Fernald and John Wasson. Rapids include: Entry Falls, Wicked Wanda, Wasson's Hole, Site Zed, and the Tanzilla Confluence. Filmed by The American Sportsman and first aired on television in 1985.

The Grand Canyon of the Stikine is a 45-mile stretch of the Stikine River in northern British Columbia, Canada. For more information about this descent and others, see

Sorry about the poor quality. I wouldn't post it but the copy that used to be online at Expeditiones Chiles has disappeared and I don't think it's online anywhere else. If you know of a better version available elsewhere, please let me know and I'll point people to it.


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