Can you imagine? Saman doesn't know about anything and Kabri sheds tears in the sadness of failure!

Описание к видео Can you imagine? Saman doesn't know about anything and Kabri sheds tears in the sadness of failure!

In the heart of every family, there are hard and exhausting days. Sometimes these days become so heavy that tears flow, screams are raised, control is lost and sadness is overwhelming. But in the meantime, what we need is the ability to bounce back and restore ourselves.

Tonight's video tells the story of tears and disappointments of a mother, daughter and father. Kabri, a girl who participated in the entrance exam months ago with all her strength and hope, is now waiting for the results. But something surprising and unexpected is coming. Saman, Kabri's brother, who had taken the entrance exam with no hope and even turned to work, has now faced an unbelievable result.

Kabri, who had given everything for this test, was rejected completely by accident and due to an inadvertent mistake. While Saman, relying on his mental information and without any special preparation, has succeeded in passing this test. This conflict in the results brings a big shock to the family.

Saman, who had no expectations of success, now has to prepare for the next step, the interview. This difficult and challenging stage is another opportunity to prove yourself and face a bright future.

In the upcoming video, we will be reunited with Saman, a boy who is now walking a new path with hope and effort. Although Kabri's tears and Khadija's sorrows hurt all of us, hope for the future and efforts to win are a light in the heart of this darkness.

#entrance_exam#nomadic_family#Saman_Mufoq #Kabri_Unrested #Ashk_o_Amid #Peshtkar #Unexpected_Result #Life_Challenge


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