Liebestraum No. 3

Описание к видео Liebestraum No. 3

So far, this is the best recording I've done for this piece. Couple of places I'd like to have played better and I normally do but I honestly chalk it up to unwarranted nervousness even though no one else is listening. I also think that my audio setup still needs some tuning as some parts just did not sound the same while I was playing and the volume is so low. Overall, I'm still pretty happy with this recording.

When I was younger I always thought this piece was so boring but as I've gotten older, it's probably one of my favorites. It's seriously one of those pieces where I realized it was so much harder than I thought as I learned it. The arpeggios, cadenzas, and octaves were some serious obstacles. On a side note, Liebestraum means Love Dream and I think Liszt really captured that floaty, ethereal sound especially during the cadenzas.


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