tomato paste production line / tomato paste processing equipment / tomato paste manufacturing plant

Описание к видео tomato paste production line / tomato paste processing equipment / tomato paste manufacturing plant

Triowin's Complete Tomato Paste/Ketchup/Sauces/Puree/Juices processing line, raw material handling capacity:60~2000(t/d)
1. Description of the tomato processing line:
Tomatoes are usually processed for paste and the processing line mainly includes five parts: fresh tomato receiving, pre-washing and sorting section; extracting section; concentrating section; pasteurizing or sterilizing section; aseptic filling section. It is mainly composed of discharge system, hydraulic convey system, bucket elevating, washing and sorting system, crushing system, pre-heating system, pulping and refining system, evaporating& concentrating system, sterilizing system, aseptic filling system. Tomato paste in aseptic drum can be further processed to ketchup, sauces, juices in tin can/bottle/pouch, etc.

2. Application of the tomato processing line:
Shanghai triowin offers complete process line on turnkey basis to produce the following end products from tomatoes.
1. Tomato Puree from tomato processing plant
2. Tomato Paste from tomato paste processing plant
3. Tomato Ketchup/Sauces from tomato ketchup puree plant
4. Tomato Juices from tomato juice processing plant
5. Tomato Powder from tomato powder processing plant

3. Advantage of the tomato processing line:
Advanced technology.
High quality material, the reasonable component of the market.
Semi-automatic as well as fully automatic system available.
Field start and related training.
The finished product quality is excellent, and the color is delicious.
High productivity, flexible production, can be customized according to customer demand.
Complete supervision system, equipped with control room to monitor each processing stage.
Daily output can be clearly revealed.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86-021-37901188
Mob: +86-13301885621
WhatsApp: +86-13301885621
Wechat: 13301885621
Zip code:201506
Address:No.5899 Tingwei Rd.Jinshan Industrial District,Shanghai,China


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