Superworm breeding guide 2022
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0:00-0:33 Intro
0:34-0:55 Superworms
0:55-1:27 Superworm Food
1:28-1:51 Superworm Temperature
1:52-2:21 Superworm Pupation
2:22-3:15 Isolation
3:16-3:36 Zophobas morio
3:37-4:09 Sexing and Breeding Superworms
4:10-5:25 Superworm Egg collection
5:26-6:14 Superworm Enclosure
6:15-6:48 Outro
Lets start off with the larvae. Eggs are laid by the beetles, which in turn take 7-14 days to hatch. The larvae start off only a few MM long, extremely tiny and very hard to see. Your larvae will grow over the next 4-5 months and reach their max size, being about 1.5-2" long and 5-5.5MM wide. The best foods to feed these guys are leafy greens, such as mustard greens, spinach, kale, and lettuce. These foods do not mold quickly and are rich in water, which is the biggest component that I have found to help them grow. Freshly hatched larvae will thrive when given this type of food as it is easy for them to consume. Potatoes, carrots, and other veggies are good as well, however, are eaten a lot slower and are better for larger larvae. If they cannot eat it within 24 hours, I do not place it in their container. I personally feed every other day and place only enough for them to last them 1 day.
Temperature is an important thing to keep in mind is heat. While I do not use a heating pad most of the year, if the temp drops below 70 degrees, you colony may stop reproducing all together. Larvae may die off below 60. The beetles can survive around 60 just fine, they just will not reproduce. Their prefered temp to close to 80F, or 26C, for best growth and survivabilty.
Lets move on to pupa. When selecting larvae to force pupation, it is best to choose your largest and fattest, after a fresh feeding. In my first video I used a banana, but I have found moisture content of the food and correct larvae size is what really matters, so the previously mentioned foods are better as they are less likely to mold. The ideal larvae size is 1.5-2" in length, and 5MM wide. If feed and selected by my recommended size, you will have a 99% pupation rate and rarely ever have to put a worm back. Next, we need to isolate them. I personally use condament cups from the dollar store. Do note that if you have structures within your colony, such as an egg flat, there is the possibility of pupation to occur as the larvae of size will do their best to isolate themselves on top of it and begin the pupation process. After isolation, it can take 1-2 weeks for the larvae to curl into a C. Once in this state, the larvae will not move much and will be in almost a stasis like state. Light does not matter, they can be in a lite room with no tops on. Isolation is the only common factor across all methods to force pupation. I used to keep them in a dark place, but I've found that it doesn't matter and they will still pupate regardless of the conditions of their isolation, if they are of size. About 1 week after their C shape is assumed, they will transform into a pupa, where it can take another 1-2 weeks for them to complete the pupation process and become a beetle.
Superworm Breeding Guide, Superworm farm, How to breed Superworms, Zophobas Morio, 2022 Update
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