4 Mobility Drills for Athletes with Stiff Back and Shoulders

Описание к видео 4 Mobility Drills for Athletes with Stiff Back and Shoulders

#1: Kneeling Back Extension lifts
#2: Crab Reach
#3: Cobra with Lower Leg on wall
#4: Overhead Leaning Arch

If you are seeking increased speed, strength, hypertrophy, and/or fat loss, mobility is an essential part of your training regime to ensure an increase in range and recruitment of major muscle lines. This will present a greater return for your hard work. If your mobility and activation program is limited you will restrict your overall capacity, efficiency and results. The journey to true fitness includes the discipline and self awareness of appropriate preparation for every workout.

Cardiovascular and metabolic fitness is one of the most important qualities of overall fitness but the development of strength, muscle structure, mobility and movement efficiency should always comes first. Balance of training will always present a better program for overall athletic performance. A key mistake is that many athletes focus on more dynamic, heavy stress fitness elements of training rather than mobility and recovery and this is very counter-productive. For many, mobility, activation and recovery should be at the top of the list. We can all improve on these areas. We can all look after ourselves a lot better than we currently do. Be consistent on all facets of athleticism.
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