What is the Dirichlet Distribution?

Описание к видео What is the Dirichlet Distribution?

Handouts and extra material for this video are available at https://github.com/ccs-amsterdam/r-co.... For R code to run and inspect LDA models see https://github.com/ccs-amsterdam/r-co...

Extra material:
course-material/blob/master/tutorials/graphical_interpretation.html - Graphical interpretation of SVD and dimensionality reduction

- https://github.com/vanatteveldt/learn... - R Code to compute perplexity (goodness-of-fit)
- https://github.com/vanatteveldt/learn... - R code to run your own gibbs sampler in R
- https://github.com/vanatteveldt/learn... - R code that animates the iterative Gibbs sampler
- https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https:...


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