Embo-Sclero Method in Varicocele

Varicocele is a type of varicose veins that forms around the testicles. It occurs when the valves in the veins of the testicles become damaged, causing the blood to flow backward instead of going to the lungs and pooling in the testicles. This creates a circulation problem that disrupts the nourishment of the testicles and can lead to issues like pain and infertility over time.

Ideally, in patients with varicocele, both the varicocele itself and the faulty veins causing the problem should be treated. However, current surgical methods only address one of these problems. In traditional varicocele surgery, only the vein causing the varicocele is treated, while in microsurgery, only the varicocele itself is addressed.

In the embo-sclero method we developed at Varisson clinics, both the varicocele and the faulty veins causing it can be treated non-surgically in a single session.

For embolosclero therapy, a small incision is made in the groin vein under local anesthesia, and a thin catheter is inserted into the renal vein. A dye is injected through the catheter to visualize the veins, and the patient is asked to strain. At this point, the backward flow of blood from the faulty vein to the testicle is observed on the angiographic screen, allowing precise identification of the problematic vein.

Next, a very fine microcatheter is advanced into the varicocele veins, and a substance known as foam, which shrinks and dries up varicose veins, is injected. This substance will cause the varicocele veins to shrink and eventually disappear.

The microcatheter is then retracted and repositioned in the vein causing the varicocele, where a substance known as glue is injected. This glue will block the vein, causing it to dry up and disappear over time.

In the embo-sclero procedure, the foam sclerotherapy applied to the varicocele for a few minutes effectively eliminates the varicocele veins, achieving the same result as hours of microsurgery. The glue treatment applied to the vein causing the varicocele closes the vein and removes the underlying cause, mirroring the effects of traditional varicocele surgery.

Embo-Sclero Method = Classic Surgery + Microsurgery

In conclusion, the embo-sclero method performs the work of both traditional surgery and microsurgery in a single, non-surgical session. The method, which we have successfully applied in our Varisson clinics for years, offers the following additional advantages:

Performed under local anesthesia, allowing the patient to go home two hours later.
Completely closed procedure through the groin vein, with no stitches or incisions, and the genital area and testicles remain untouched.
Since the problematic vein is accurately identified, normal veins and arteries are not accidentally closed.
Complications like long-term pain, infection, and hydrocele, which can occur after surgery, are not observed.
Both foam and glue are absorbed by your body over time. Therefore, there is no foreign body left after the treatment.
Since both the varicocele and the problematic vein are treated, the likelihood of recurrence is low. In cases performed in our clinics since 2014, no recurrences have been observed.


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