Star Master: Permanent | Current Thoughts | Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Описание к видео Star Master: Permanent | Current Thoughts | Snowbreak: Containment Zone

Anyway just more optimization and quality of life first and I think it's good for now. They can just add more stuff once those are done.

I forgot to mention more ways to use jump like vertical obstacles and stuff. + Maybe improved jumping in general. Also music change while playing Star Master. At least on open world mode. There's just so many thing they can add in this mode. We'll see what they'll do I guess.

00:00 Start
00:23 When?
00:26 Are the mobs still tanky?
01:43 Quick Capture
02:11 About the open world rewards
02:47 Nice little details
03:29 About Outfits for Fishing
04:52 About Fishing buffs
05:16 About Side Quest stuff
08:07 About Portals
10:18 Star Master Rewards and my current progress
11:19 The thing that I think they need to fix first
13:09 The question



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