Best days of my life. Over and over again.

Описание к видео Best days of my life. Over and over again.

It's funny to me that I can be so blind sometimes. I sometimes fail to notice the fact that I'm living the life I was dreaming about when I was a teenager.
I need to remind myself that over and over again.
The reason we forget what our old dreams were is that by the time we achieve them, we have a bunch of new ones we are mulling over in our minds.
It might be helpful to take a pause from time to time to revisit our old dreams. To take a fresh look at them. Maybe we can help our present-day selves by comforting our old-day selves.

00:00 - misty morning
02:24 - puppies
04:40 - 3 things I learned working for myself
07:28 - kitchen talk
10:12 - a stunning sunrise ride with the dog

#animals #puppy #dogs #stray #kazakhstan #sunrise #workfromhome


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