Burn VS Joseph (pivot sprite battle)

Описание к видео Burn VS Joseph (pivot sprite battle)

I've made this animation to introduce our characters to you. I hope you'll like them (and the animation too). Enjoy!
   • Introducing Burn the Hedgehog   - Introducing Burn the Hedgehog

   • Introducing Joseph The Cat   - Introducing Joseph the Cat

{Used Software}
-Pivot Animator
-Adobe Premiere Pro
-Adobe Photoshop
1) Burn the Hedgehog. My OC. His ability is pyrokinesis. He also has a transformation called "Uprising Burn", which is caused by anger and increases his power (but I can't say how much. When I'll make my own series (and it won't be very soon), I'll tell about it.)
2) Joseph the Cat. My friend's OC, who's Nickname is "Void's Dimension" (I'll call him "Robert" next time). He's a highly trained swordmaster with fast reactions and movements. Speaking of his katana, it possesses an electric powers and abilities.
3) Mew "Pew" the Cat. She is my girlfriend's OC. She works as a barmaid and doesn't have any special abilities. Burn is also her boyfriend in the story.
4) Amaya the Cat. Robert's girlfriend's OC. Amaya doesn't have any special abilities. Her boyfriend is also Joseph.
5) Harry the Rabbit. My friend's OC, who asked me to add him as a cameo. He is a pirate, who has a hydrokinesis.
6) Light the Hedgehog. Old Robert's OC, while his nickname was a "Dark Chaos". Then he got a redesign, and after it happens, he gave him to me. Basically, this is my OC now. His ability is electrokinesis. While Joseph has an elecrtic katana, Light can control the electricity by himself.
7) Erron the Hedgehog. My OC. He has a specific equipment (Gloves and boots), which increases his attack power, and also can fully absorb the energy of different energetic attacks and fully deny blockable damage.
8) Crystal the Hedgehog. My OC. Her ability is cryokinesis.
9) Cassidy the Hedgehog. My OC. She is Crystal's elder sister and has some powerful energy attacks.
10) Phantom the Cat. A familiar to me person's character. While we was role-playing about a year ago, he played this character like he was invincible. Nobody could cause any damage to him, no matter how strong his opponent was. He has a very small amount of abilities, but this person think, that it's enough to play him as invincible. That's why I made him as a Burn's victim in the beginning of animation. It's my small revenge for this.
11) SuperHenry. this character (and all of the next ones) belongs to one of the Russian Sonic Bloggers (I am Russian, so it's quite obvious that I have added some Russian mascots). He is my mate and he often calls me to play different games like Counter Strike or Among Us. He also called three next persons to play different games. That's why they are sitting in front of computers in the beginning of animation. This character is just a mascot that doesn't have any background story or abilities.
12) DarkSonic1. Another Russian Sonic Blogger's mascot. He is really popular in Russian Sonic community for being a hater of the latest Sonic Games, like Forces and Mania.
13) LiteSky. He is also one of the Russian Sonic Youtuber's mascot. One of his most favorite games is Sonic Mania. He also has 5 copies of it (or 6, I don't really remember).
13) Vergil McCloud. Russian Artist's mascot. I think that a very big amount of Russian Sonic Bloggers knows who he is. He appears very often in different streams or while we are playing in something.


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