AC Charging of electric vehicles

Описание к видео AC Charging of electric vehicles

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About this video:
AC charging using the onboard charger of an EV is the most popular and simplest means of charging an EV today. Large power plants produce alternating current (AC) power which is transmitted over long distance transmission lines to our homes. Most of our homes get AC power supply from the grid and a large number of the appliances we use in our homes also run on AC power. The EV battery as we learnt earlier requires direct current (DC) power. The question that arises is how do we charge electric vehicles with AC power from the grid? Is AC charging of EVs done the same way all over the world? If not, what are the differences? And finally, the question which is most important for an EV user: how long does it take to charge your EV with AC power? Find out the answers to those questions in this lecture by Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli on AC charging of EVs.

Learning goals:

What are key parts of an AC charger?
How does AC charging work?
What are types of connectors used for AC charging?
How can the AC charging power be calculated?

Licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC


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