Isaac Pitre: Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit (Luke

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Isaac Pitre: Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit (Luke 23:46)
Isaac speaks at King of Kings Worship Center on 2/17/2023, on the verge of the release of his new book, “Take Back Your Authority.” Quotes: “While His body is hanging on the cross His spirit now is starting to become infected with sin. Every wicked thing that was ever produced out of a dead spirit is now coming on the inside of Him. And the Father is starting to withdraw His nature and His glory and His presence from Jesus. He's becoming by the moment less and less like God and more and more like us in sin and in iniquity. He said, "Father, into your hands, I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)

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God created Adam and Eve to keep Satan in jail - to give him no access, to give him no influence. Satan dared not try to test Adam's authority. He knew it, but He says, "I've got to get them stripped. I've got to get them stripped." What Satan came into the garden for, was two things, so that your spirit can die and so that you could be stripped of authority.

But then God, before Satan could get too happy, says, "I want to let you in on a little secret. Satan, I don't ever react to anything." "Before Adam sinned and lost my image and my likeness and my dominion, I already had another plan to get it back." It is this purpose for which Jesus came down into the earth realm because he is coming to get something back to us.

He ain't coming for himself because he didn't lose nothing. He's coming for us because we lost it and God could not stand to see us without it. Jesus is coming into the earth to get you your spirit back. Can you handle the next 10 minutes? You better hold on. In order to do this, He has to become a man. That's why Philippians 2 says, "He humbled himself laid down his authority in heaven, came down in the form and fashioned as a man, wrapped himself in flesh and walked around this earth 33 years."

And now the time has come. In order for Jesus to redeem us, He has to become sin. Which means, He who knew no sin has to now open up His spirit to sin. Because one man (Adam) got us in it. One man (Jesus) has got to get us out. It takes a man to do it but there was no man that was sinless. That's when Jesus, the captain of our salvation said, "Prepare me body" (Hebrews 10:5). "I'll go down and redeem them." Think about that, the one who created us, has now got to become what He created.

In order for us to be redeemed. This is why Paul said, "Oh that you may know what is the power of his resurrection." Your Bible declares that in order for this to happen Jesus has got to spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Jesus himself would say, "As Jonah was in the belly of the whale, for three days and three nights. So shall I be in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40). So the spotless lamb now is in the garden of Gethsemane and now you know why He's praying. "Father, is there another way to do this? Is there another way to get them redeemed without me having to die, without me having to open up my spirit to sin and be separated from you?" Three times it took him.

He wasn't praying about the thorns and the nails, He wasn't praying about being pierced in His side, He wasn't even praying about the cat o' nine tales that would be striped over his back 39 times. He's praying because for the first time, He is about to experience separation from God. He is about to experience what it's like to become a sinner, to become sin. So He finally musters the courage and says "God not my will, but your will be done." He defeated all of the fear that it would take. The Bible says, "For the joy set before him." He said, "Let's do this." What was the joy set before him? (Isaac points to the members of the congregation). Oh, you don't get it, but you will get it.

He says, "For you, I'm going to do this. Why? Because I can't stand to see you born in sin and shapened in iniquity. I can't stand to see you walking as a puppet under Satan's authority. I can't stand to see you sick and weak and tormented and afflicted. You were not created to be this way. You were not created to be attacked by demon spirits and under their authority. No. You were created to be over them in ruling them. You were created not to be in stress and worry and anxiety. You were created to have my peace and my joy. You were created to have peace that passes understanding. You were created to be able to see me and hear me and walk with me.”


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