A Man and His Church | Douglas Wilson (GA2021 Men's Seminar)

Описание к видео A Man and His Church | Douglas Wilson (GA2021 Men's Seminar)

As we seek to build our new city walls in the midst of a ruined and ruinous old order, we will be attacked in ways that seek to divide us. We will be accused of being cultic, in thrall to charismatic “leaders.” But the Scriptures do require us to cultivate like-mindedness, and also require us to maintain a solid distinction between things of first importance, things of secondary importance, and things indifferent.

One of the things that modern Christians have a hard time doing right is loyalty. We don’t know how loyalty is supposed to work. We don’t understand the spiritual requirement of personal allegiance to your church and its leadership, and in addition we have a very poor understanding of what disloyalty actually smells like.

In addressing this subject of a man and his church we have to start with the subject of loyalty. And this goes double if you are the pastor.

Enjoy session 4 of 5 from our #GraceAgenda 2021 Men's Pre-conference Seminar, 'Man Your Post.' You can find all of the sessions from this seminar in our app: https://bit.ly/christkirkapp.

The last several years Christ Church has tried an experiment in grace and has not charged for the Grace Agenda conference. In keeping with this spirit of grace, we are accepting free will donations at https://www.graceagenda.com/donate.

For more information about Christ Church please visit our website: https://christkirk.com.


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