HOT TOPIC Climate Session #2: Urban adaptation with Heba & Olamide

Описание к видео HOT TOPIC Climate Session #2: Urban adaptation with Heba & Olamide

In this month's HOT TOPIC Climate Session, we are joined by Heba Elhanafy, Urban Researcher at the Charter Cities Institute and Olamide Ejorh, Executive Director at the Lagos Urban Development Initiative.

This conversation explores adaptation to climate change through the lens of urban development that centres neighbourhoods, communities and the needs and behaviours of the people within them, with a focus on the walkability of Lusaka and Lagos.

Heba is an architect, urban planner, developer and researcher with degrees in Architecture and Urban Planning and Urban Development. She has been at the Charter Cities Institute for four years as an urban researcher and is launching the African Urban Lab at East Africa’s first Africa School of Economics campus in Zanzibar.

Olamide is an Urban Activist – project manager, researcher, filmmaker and writer and is an advocate for sustainable transportation and social engagement within urban spaces. Seven years ago, she founded the Lagos Urban Development Initiative, which uses project work, engagement and research to bring people together around a more inclusive, livable, and sustainable Lagos.


The HOT TOPIC Climate Session discussions are conversations to explore the intersection of climate action, research, advocacy and data and the power of open geospatial data and community mapping.


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