Integrating Core Image with SwiftUI – Instafilter SwiftUI Tutorial 4/13

Описание к видео Integrating Core Image with SwiftUI – Instafilter SwiftUI Tutorial 4/13

Download the completed project here:

Other parts in Project 13:


1. How property wrappers become structs:    • How property wrappers become structs ...  
2. Responding to state changes using onChange():    • Responding to state changes using onC...  
3. Showing multiple options with confirmationDialog():    • Showing multiple options with confirm...  
4. Integrating Core Image with SwiftUI: This video
5. Showing empty states with ContentUnavailableView:    • Showing empty states with ContentUnav...  
6. Loading photos from the user's photo library:    • Loading photos from the user's photo ...  
7. How to let the user share content with ShareLink:    • How to let the user share content wit...  
8. How to ask the user to leave an App Store review:    • How to ask the user to leave an App S...  
9. Building our basic UI:    • Building our basic UI – Instafilter S...  
10. Importing an image into SwiftUI using PhotosPicker:    • Importing an image into SwiftUI using...  
11. Basic image filtering using Core Image:    • Basic image filtering using Core Imag...  
12. Customizing our filter using confirmationDialog():    • Customizing our filter using confirma...  
13. Sharing an image using ShareLink:    • Sharing an image using ShareLink  – I...  

Wrap up and challenges:

You can find the full set of videos, along with transcriptions, challenges, tests, and more, in my free 100 Days of SwiftUI course:

Watch the full 100 Days of SwiftUI playlist here:    • Understanding the basic structure of ...  


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