7 Signs You’re Not Going To Make It As A Rapper (In 2023)

Описание к видео 7 Signs You’re Not Going To Make It As A Rapper (In 2023)

In today’s video, we’re going to give you some straight talk about things you have to watch for if you’re trying to make it as a rapper in 2022 or 2023.

Before we even get into this list, the next video after this will be a bunch of signs you WILL make it as a rapper in 2023, so don’t trip too hard over these, but we wanted to sure you knew what NOT to do as well as in the next video telling you what to DO…

Because you should be aware that a lot of people who have nothing to do with music will tell you…


Become A Full-Time Rapper In 6 Weeks or Less (PROFESSIONAL RAP CAREER COURSE I MENTIONED):



0:00 Introduction
01:26 7. You Don’t Handle Fear Well
01:34 A. Can’t Make It As A Rapper If You Don’t Leave Home
02:18 B. Won’t Make It As A Rapper If You Are Scared To Look “Uncool”
2:57 6. You Listen To Unqualified Advice ’Cause It Sounds Good
04:12 Rap Career Course
04:32 5. You Believe Everyone In The Music Industry Is Evil
06:22 4. You’re Not A Team Player
07:33 3. You Don’t Know How To Control Your Emotions
08:32 2. You’re A Terrible Money Manager
10:03 1. You Are A “Stan”
11:20 Comment and Get Your Course

FULL ARTICLE ON 7 Signs You’re Not Going To Make It As A Rapper (In 2023)
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Even READING articles like this prove you aren’t going to be a rapper.
I’m here to tell you that’s absolutely NOT true.

7 Signs You’re Not Going To Make It As A Rapper (In 2023)

7. You Don’t Handle Fear Well
This usually shows itself it two ways.

A. Can’t Make It As A Rapper If You Don’t Leave Home
Going back to the “if you watch videos like this you won’t make it” mentality…

There’s nothing wrong with watching videos like this as long as you IMPLEMENT the advice and, frankly…


I’ve been coaching musicians online for almost a decade and it still AMAZES me how many rappers have no evidence that they actually leave their bedroom and try to get shows or attend music networking conferences…

B. Won’t Make It As A Rapper If You Are Scared To Look “Uncool”

The second way, more common to artists who already have “made it” or at least have some clout is…
They have a fear of looking “uncool”.

6. You Listen To Unqualified Advice ’Cause It Sounds Good

This is probably one of the most common reasons rappers can’t make a career outside of their bedroom or at best their city.

I started doing YouTube music education videos back in 2014 when the advice scene was basically non-existent.

At that time I already 11 years of rap experience, U.S. tour experience, record label meetings and a bunch of other cool stuff before I made a video.

5. You Believe Everyone In The Music Industry Is Evil

If you look up most videos that start with the phrase, “music industry”, Google predictive text will predict you want to end with “sells their souls” or “illuminati” or things like that.

What that means is SO many people are just looking up videos to confirm their belief that everyone in music is evil.

This always makes me cringe because I notice the people who believe this stuff NEVER mention it about the so-called “lyrical rappers” they enjoy…

4. You’re Not A Team Player

This is a big one as well…

Look, everything good in life came from teamwork.

Even if it’s the most gangsta street rapper on lean 24/7…

Better believe the hustlers behind him are expert businessmen and would never let the golden goose drown in the pond of money they’re making.

3. You Don’t Know How To Control Your Emotions

I put it this way because I wanted to make a point about drug use in the industry.

Look, nobody knows you better than yourself.

If you have found that you can use drugs (however you define them) and are NOT prone to emotional outbursts, fights, embarrassing moments, and anything that can ruin career…

Then go ahead and have fun. Sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll.

2. You’re A Terrible Money Manager

This is kind of similar to the point about drugs.

There are TONS of examples of rappers with diamonds, cars, and a bunch of other material things that APPEAR to mean they’re good with handling money…

And then within two years they are selling jailbroken iPhone 7’s on your local King Boulevard.

1. You Are A “Stan”

I’m not talking about Eminem fans here specifically, there are people like this for EVERY rapper.

This is going to be a tough one to swallow…

If you self-identify too much with a particular rapper to the point that…

They are your profile picture…

That you would probably faint with excitement if you met them…

FULL ARTICLE ON 7 Signs You’re Not Going To Make It As A Rapper (In 2023) (Continued):
  / 7-signs-youre-not-going-to-make-it-as-a-ra...  


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