
Описание к видео #AlchemyStars

I'm done with all those "use 2x converters of one color + 2x converters of a different color" and "use 2x cross-converters with one of them mbt" setups. Here's how it's done with 3x converters of the same element.

The map mechanics in a nutshell:
1) When all four statues are activated, you die.
2) Each statue curses the element of their color and "stuns" the units of the said element.
3) Reset the statues and curses with aurora time.

Replacement options (decreasing viability)
- DPS captain: Areia, Hiiro, Beryl, Odi, Mythos, Migard, Robyn, Gabriel, Hedy, Sylva, Jomu, any sufficiently leveled detonator
- Two 4-tile converters: Nikinis + Pact / Gronru + Beverly / Sariel + Kleken / Eicy + Faust
- Converter with cooldown below 3: Pasolo, Ophina (all elements) / Unimet, Ansia (A3) / Ms. Blanc, Michenny (A3), Fafnir / Tiny One, Joanie Boom (A3)
- Flex slot healer: Philyshy, Uriah, Novio, Zoya, all other healers use matching element (i.e. Nadine in thunder team)

It's possible to use a secondary dpser or long cooldown converters (same element / Gabriel) in the flex slot but be mindful of your health without the Skilled Commands buff and the healer.


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