Mr Mercer I have a question ...

Описание к видео Mr Mercer I have a question ...

WTF was all that about? 21 seconds of silence at the ‪@criticalrole‬ table. Matt stuns everyone into complete silence. True shock and awe,

Is it Thursday yet?

We love you very much,

Playlists Critters need to watch:
Grown-ups only:    • Critical Role - Grown ups  
Mighty Nein -    • The Mighty Nein  
Mighty Nein reunited -    • The Mighty Nein  
Legend of Vox Machina:    • Legend of Vox Machina  
Matt:    • Matt Mercer  
Keyleth:    • Keyleth of the Air Ashari  
Ashley:    • Ashley Johnson - The most Critical Role  
Laura:    • Laura Bailey  
CR C3 Highlights:    • Critical Role C3 Highlights  
CR Forgotten Gems -    • Critical Role - Forgotten Gems  
CR FCG -    • CR - FCG  
CR Narrative Telephone:    • Critical Role - Narrative Telephone  

Don't forget to love each other,

Is It Thursday yet? If not why not?

#criticalrole #campaignthree #bellshells


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