
Описание к видео Ekko

2 smites. AP AP HP/lvl Shards. 1 smite is about 4 seconds slower in actually leaving the jungle (more time to kite krugs toward river.)

Absolute focus helps clear a bit, and is generally strong on ekko. I would take absolute focus and gathering storm in a real game.

Minimizing the hits from blue can keep absolute focus active for longer, which lets it die in 1 less auto. You dont have to be perfect. Use W at 3:29, back up not get hit a 2nd time before stun. Then whenever possible, kite right before blue can attack. Doesnt have to be perfect.

I missed the E auto on big raptor, but it doesnt really matter. I missed every Q on one of the little raptors, otherwise it would die to burn.


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