Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play "Midnight Special"

Описание к видео Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids play "Midnight Special"

Hey, friends! We hope your Monday is going well! Tonight we have a song that used to terrify me as a child. 😊 Well not the actual song, but the movie scene that the song was associated with. If you’ve seen Twilight Zone: The Movie, I’ll bet you remember the scene where Dan Aykroyd turns into a monster in the car, and I’ll bet you also remember this was the song that was playing in the background. Some things just stick with you. Haha! Maybe now I’ll associate this song with these little sweeties, and a toothless Bellamy. 😊 This is Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids playing, “Midnight Special”, the Creedence Clearwater Revival version.

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If you've never seen one of our videos, feel free to read some info about us below. :)

Hello everyone! We're the Clark family. Colt (the Dad) is a professional musician and Aubree (me, the Mom behind the camera) is a photographer. Together we home school our three children (even when we're not in the middle of a pandemic). :) We're keeping busy during our time at home by learning a new song every other day. We thought we'd record them and share as we go. Hopefully it brightens your day!

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