Intent-based service provisioning with integrated closed-loop for cobot service migration

Описание к видео Intent-based service provisioning with integrated closed-loop for cobot service migration

Hexa-X-II Demo at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024 – Intent-based service provisioning with integrated closed-loop for cobot service migration based on battery threshold

This demo aims at presenting a management and orchestration process for a vertical service which includes service provisioning and automation and exploits several enablers defined within the Hexa-X-II project. A Vertical requests a cobot (collaborative robot)-based video surveillance service by specifying an intent that is parsed by a dedicated IBN platform which translates and transforms the intent text in specific messages to be consumed by the M&O, which configures the cobot platform accordingly. A 5G-enabled cobot starts the surveillance task with live video streaming and when its battery runs low, a dedicated closed-loop-based automation process takes care of migrating the service to a new cobot with normal battery levels while the first one is sent to the charging station, guaranteeing the service continuity.


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