Matchsaverz vs. Magload, Which is Best?

Описание к видео Matchsaverz vs. Magload, Which is Best?

Thanks for watching everyone! In this video I talk about the difference between the Magload and Matchsaverz extra shell holder as fitted on my new Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol. Here's the link to the Matchsaverz YouTube link on how to install it:
   • MatchSaverzInstallation  

Although in the video, I use 12ga. snap caps to demonstrate the grip that the Matchsaverz and Matchload exerts on a shell, I did use regular 12ga. 2.75" and 3" shotshells (buckshot, slug, etc.) which actually worked worse with the Matchload since it would cause indentations in the hull making it even more difficult to manipulate; this does not happen with the Matchsaverz.


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