Spider 20 Coldheart, Spider, Lydia, Ghostborn | Raid Shadow Legends Guide

Описание к видео Spider 20 Coldheart, Spider, Lydia, Ghostborn | Raid Shadow Legends Guide

Spider Stage 20 playthrough using 4 Coldheart and 1 Decrease Defense debuffer such as Spider, Ghostborn, and Lydia the Deathsiren to speed run this dungeon! This team enables you to farm Spider 20 with 100% consistent win rate around 10 seconds. This helps you farm points to complete the Spider Turn Attack, Spider Tournament, and Dungeon Diver Events at the same time quickly! This strategy can be used from Spider Dungeon difficulty 1 to 20! It would not work for Spider 21 to 25 as the boss has a unique passive skill that caps the damage from Enemy MAX HP damage to 10% of boss's MAX HP.

Written Guide: https://ayumilove.net/rsl-guide-spide...
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Champion's Role:
1. Ghostborn (Unresistable Decrease Defense, Increase Attack)
2. Spider (Decrease Defense, Weaken, Speed Aura)
3. Lydia the Deathsiren (Decrease Defense, Weaken)
4. Coldheart (Decrease Turn Meter, Enemy MAX HP damage to boss)

Champion Guides:
1. Ghostborn - https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-leg...
2. Spider - https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-leg...
3. Coldheart - https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-leg...
4. Lydia the Deathsiren - https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-leg...

00:00 Team 1 Preset (Coldheart +Spider)
00:17 Team 1 Battle (Spider Boss & Spiderlings)
00:34 Team 2 Preset (Coldheart + Lydia)
00:47 Team 2 Battle (Spider Boss & Spiderlings)
01:07 Team 3 Preset (Coldheart + Ghostborn)
01:23 Team 3 Battle (Spider Boss & Spiderlings)
01:51 Spider Build
02:50 Lydia the Deathsiren Build
03:32 Ghostborn Build
04:11 Coldheart Build 1
04:47 Coldheart Build 2
05:18 Coldheart Build 3
05:46 Coldheart Build 4


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