Young Nigerians Create Seamless Mobile Payment App

Описание к видео Young Nigerians Create Seamless Mobile Payment App

A team of millennials in Nigeria has designed a finance tech application that will make mobile payment easier.

Paying attention to user experience, the platform leverages on users' tags to request for and send money.

Gist Nigeria airs at 9pm on Wednesdays on
Channels TV and Channels 24 (UK) on Sky 518.

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WEDNESDAY 9.00pm On CHANNELS TV & CHANNELS 24{UK} On SKY 518 [New Edition] REPEAT: * THURSDAY 3.30pm On DSTV * FRIDAY 6.30pm On Terrestrial * SUNDAY 11.30 am On Terrestrial * SATURDAY 12.30pm CHANNELS 24{UK} ON SKY 518.

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