Temperate Rainforest Appeal

Описание к видео Temperate Rainforest Appeal

Cornwall Wildlife Trust has a unique opportunity to restore a lost habitat: a temperate rainforest. 

We have a chance to restore this magical and important habitat at West Muchlarnick Farm, near Looe.

Your donation will plant native trees, like sessile oak, rowan and hazel, provide fencing to protect new shoots, and fund important survey work to monitor impact on wildlife and carbon capture.

Your generosity will protect threatened woodlands birds and mammals, including redstarts, pied flycatchers, stoats and mice, as well as rare fungi, insects and a huge array of lush green mosses, liverworts, ferns and lichen. 

With your help, we can bring back this lost ecosystem.

Donate today: https://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org...


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