福州小吃经典之鼎边糊 Foochow delicacies - Wok Rice Paste with Soup

Описание к видео 福州小吃经典之鼎边糊 Foochow delicacies - Wok Rice Paste with Soup

福州小吃经典之鼎边糊 Wok Rice Paste with Soup - Foochow delicacies

Seems difficult but really easy Foochow delicacies - Wok rice paste with soup (dian bian hu, we called in Foochow). You need a wok, it is made from the rice flour, therefore the name of "Wok Rice paste"
We can eat for Breakfast, lunch and dinner - It is a whole day meal. Normally, we put meat ball, black fungus, pork slices, squid, fried onion and scallion. For the taste and flavour, only white pepper and salt. More white pepper, taste better.

For the dry squid, here it is - how to prepare:
1. Wash squid, soak in a clean water for 2 hours, discard water
2. Add the soften squid into [25g edible alkali powder (shiyongjian) + 500g water, mix well] and soak for 8 hours or overnight.
3. Discard water, soak again for another 8 hours / overnight with clean water. Repeat 2 days.
4. Ready to use

** the alkali powder is a product people use normally in making noodle.

鼎边糊 - 也有人称锅边糊。 必须要有一个锅,才能制作这道福州经典小吃。 虽是小吃,但是,我们早,午,晚餐都可以吃。也可以当正餐吃。加多多的白胡椒粉,是我的最爱。

1. 洗干净鱿鱼,干鱿鱼在水里泡2小时。然后水倒掉
2. 准备25克食用碱+500克水,搅拌均匀,然后把泡软的鱿鱼放在这个碱水里面8个小时,或是隔夜
3. 倒掉碱水,鱿鱼冲洗干净,然后再用清水泡发8个小时或隔夜。第3天,重复,再用清水泡8个小时
4. 可以用了


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