Webinar recording: Using the Disabled Facilities Grant

Описание к видео Webinar recording: Using the Disabled Facilities Grant

nb - Sound starts 26 seconds in. The funding for Disabled Facilities Grant is an integral part of the Better Care Fund. But for many, there is a lack of understanding of what it can be used for, how many people are supported and what outcomes are achieved. https://www.scie.org.uk/integrated-he...
This webinar looked at how the grant can be used more flexibly and then how performance metrics can be used to review and improve delivery. From SCIE as part of the Better Care Support Team.

The webinar was presented by Paul Smith, Director of Foundations (the National Body for Home Improvement Agencies) and one of the authors of the Independent Review of Disabled Facilities Grants published last year by the Department of Health and Social Care and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government.


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