Sampa Lhundrup Prayer —“The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfills all Wishes”

Описание к видео Sampa Lhundrup Prayer —“The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfills all Wishes”

This video presents the Sampa Lhundrupma prayer in Tibetan/Chokey vocals with English subtitles. Tulku Zangpo Drakpa revealed the famous prayer Le'u Dünma . Chapter Seven: Sampa Lhundrupma—“The Prayer to Guru Rinpoche that Spontaneously Fulfills all Wishes”

This powerful prayer was given by Guru Rinpoche to the Son of Heaven, Mutri Tsenpo before departing for Oddiyana.

“In Gong-tong of Mong-yul, at the time of your royal lineage’s last member, my treasure teachings will save your family line. This will be a time of misery for Tibet, when what is never wished for will occur. Above, gods and cannibal demons will be in turmoil. Below, nagas and nyen spirits will be in turmoil. Ordinary, common people will be in turmoil. An evil king will be in turmoil. Ordinary, common people will be in turmoil. Families will be in turmoil due to fights between parents and children. That will mark the time that Buddhism reaches its end – the accomplishment bestowed by the meditation deities will dissipate. Dakini’s and protectors will turn their gaze toward the supreme Mountain (i.e away from humanity), and being’s store of happiness will be exhausted. The king of Gong-tong, the patrons of Buddhism and the people should all follow my instructions and practice the treasure teachings. My compassion responds quickly and is very potent. It(Sampa Lhundrup Prayer) will appear at that time. Pray continually to me!”:



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