《港住出圖》ep.4 高宏苑 2022綠置居設計 |最細單位223呎🏠隔音露台變輕鬆休憩地方 | 多功能大廳達6個用途 | 有個人品味小居 | HK Interior design✨

Описание к видео 《港住出圖》ep.4 高宏苑 2022綠置居設計 |最細單位223呎🏠隔音露台變輕鬆休憩地方 | 多功能大廳達6個用途 | 有個人品味小居 | HK Interior design✨


Welcome to the three animals (koala, moth & hedgehog) channel. Each animal represents our characteristic, still, we have the same trait – full of enthusiasm with design and work hard until mid-night (actually we don't like OT). We are eager to share the fun and little profession via this platform.

✳️逢星期日更新頻道 Update every Sunday ✳️

🔶其他推薦影片 :
《港住出圖》ep.1 愉德苑 2022居屋 | 兩房一廳🏠唔改任何間隔 | 輕鬆打造溫馨清新居家
   • 【港住出圖】愉德苑 | 2022居屋|約384尺| 3 人單位室內設計| ...  

《無限你想》ep.1 香港小型住宅設計 | 三房一廳🏠 5人單位實用共享合租格局 | 改造輕奢現代簡約窩居 | HK Interior design✨
   • 【知識庫】無限你想01| 五人單位實用共享合租格局 | 三房一廳 | 改造...  

❤️同三隻小動物SAY HI :
Instagram:   / simply_design_sd  
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: 6824 5627
Music: The 126ers - Water Lily


The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this channel/promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Only for references. They shall not constitute or be construed as constituting any offer, promise, representation or warranty, whether expressed or implied. Audience shall conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the project, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. We reserve the copyright of all designs and make modifications without prior notice.


#香港 #香港居屋 #香港房屋 #室內設計 #簡約設計 #裝修 #室內設計 #窩居 #公屋 #居屋 #私人單位 #愉德苑室內設計 #愉德苑 #客廳 #房間 #浴室 #睡房 #沙田 #平面圖 #清新 #3人單位 #5人單位#單人單位 #兩房一廳 #廚房 #新居屋點間房 #居屋裝修 #居屋間隔 #北角驥華苑 #啟德啟欣苑 #土瓜灣馬頭角道 #冠山苑 #將軍澳昭明苑 #觀塘安秀苑 #石門愉德苑 #東涌裕雅苑 #居屋2022 #新居屋廁所 #火炭 #彩禾苑 #粉嶺 #山麗苑 #皇后山邨 #大埔 #富蝶邨 #屯門 #和田邨 #東涌 #裕雅苑 #鑽石山 #啟鑽苑 #青衣 #青富苑 #馬鞍山 #錦駿苑 #白居二 #綠置居2022 #綠置居 #油塘 #高宏苑 #隔音露台 #清濤苑 #錦柏苑 #多功能 #個人品味

#HongKong #architecture #interiordesign #homedecor #interior #homesweethome #furniture #homedesign #interiordesigner #interiorstyling #kitchendesign #furnituredesign #homedecoration #kitchendesigntrends #homeoffice #interiordecorating #interiorstyle #bathroomdesign #decorationideas #interiordecoration #housetour


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