SURAH AL KAUSAR (The Abundance) 129 times repeat
The person who recites Surah Kausar 129 times would never forget anything. Surah Kausar 129 times, once in the morning and once in the evening, if you wish to be wealthy in life
Surah Al Kawthar , inna ataina surah (Arabic: سورة الكوثر, “Abundance”) is the 108th surah of the Quran and the shortest. There are several differing opinions as to the circumstances under which it was revealed. According to Ibn Ishaq, it was revealed in Makka, sometime before the Isra and Mi’raj.
Benefits of Reading Surah Kausar
List of Benefits of Reading Surah Kausar all surahs in the Holy Quran has many lessons that can be learned from surah Kausar.
Here are some lessons one can learn by reading and reflecting on this surah:
1- The Person who makes recites surah Kosar daily 7 times Allah will increase his livelihood.
2- recites surah al Kausar to save his wealth from theft.
3- recites surah al Kausar 129 times, and never forgets anything.
4- If you are in poverty and have nothing, reciting this Surah will open up new sources of riches for you. You will notice the money coming to you from unexpected sources. Simply pray to Allah, who is the most generous provider.
5- Surah Kosar improves memory when recited multiple times.
6- If you are a firm believer and recite this Surah, Allah will include you among those who will drink from this river’s water. According to the Prophet Muhammad’s Hadith, whoever recites Surah Al Kausar, Allah SWT would definitely give him water from “The River of Kausar.”
7- surah kaisar protects you against the evil plans of your enemies.5- Allah Almighty never abandons His prophet and supports him at all times, especially when he is insulted by his enemies.
8- The abundance that was given to Prophet Muhammad was so great that Allah commanded him to pray to him and sacrifice a camel in celebration of it.
9- Fatimah az Zahra, the clear example of Kausar and abundance, has such a high station that a whole chapter is revealed in her honor. She is such a noblewoman that the Prophet’s lineage continues from her.
10- The enemies of Allah and the Prophet will always suffer loss and they are the ones without posterity.
11- One who recites Surah Kausar, Allah (S.W.T) Will Surely feed him water from “The Canal of Al-Kawthar.” “This is a Fountain at which my Ummah will assemble on the Resurrection Day. [Muslim].
12- ” I shall have arrived at the Fountain before you.” [Al-Bukhari].
13- In case of fear from enemies, by reciting this surah an individual would find himself.
14- under the protection of Allah and all the fear from enemies fades away.
15- Recitation of Surah Kausar brings prosperity and wealth in one’s 14- life who previously has limited sources of earning.
16- The person whose children don’t remain alive after birth.
17- should recite Surah Kausar For 41 days 7 times after Fajr prayer.
18- With the blessing of Allah And Surah Kausar, his generation remains alive.
19- Person recites Surah Kausar daily 7 times Allah will increase his livelihood. And also save his wealth from theft.
20- recites Surah Kausar 129 times, never forgets anything.
Why Was Surah Kausar Revealed?
Despite the fact that it is a brief surah, its meaning and message are enormous in importance and hope.
This Surah was revealed during a particularly difficult period in the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
because it was during this period that the prophet’s enemies referred to him as Abtar, which means “cut off,”
because both of his male children from his wife Khadija (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) had died.
This was also the time when the Muslims were few in number and weak compared to the enemies of Islam.
Allah SWT revealed this surah to tell prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that He granted him a river in Jannah,
then told him that his enemies are the cut-off ones.
Anas (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) once narrated the incident in which the surah was revealed while the Holy Prophet was among them.
“In the meantime, He dozed; then He raised His head, smiling, according to some traditions,
the people asked what for He was smiling, according to others, He Himself told them that a Surah had just been revealed to Him.
Then, he recited surah Kosar and asked the people whether they knew what Kausar was.
When they said that Allah and His Messenger had the best knowledge,
He said; It is a river which my Lord has granted me in Paradise.”
surah kosar
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