3ds MAX 2023 New Features: Smart Extrude/ #2

Описание к видео 3ds MAX 2023 New Features: Smart Extrude/ #2

Smart Extrude allows for a partial cut-through on an Editable Poly object.
Smart Extrude's Partial cut-through functionality found in update 2022.2 is now available in the Edit Poly modifier of 3ds Max. When performing an outward extrusion, partial overlaps of the end results will merge/union with the geometry it overlaps into, while an inward extrude will subtract.
What are the changes in 3ds Max 2023?
تعلم الماكس
If you are new to 3ds Max, follow the lessons in this Getting Started series and learn the basics. Topics include navigating in 3ds Max, modeling, animating, texturing and lighting a finished scene. We strongly advise you to follow these lessons in sequence, from first to last, before moving to more advanced topics in other playlists. This first lesson introduces the user interface of 3ds Max 2023
Level: Beginner
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