Cash Purchase Journal Entry - Class 11, Book-Keeping and Accountancy

Описание к видео Cash Purchase Journal Entry - Class 11, Book-Keeping and Accountancy

What is the journal entry for Cash Purchase? | How do you record cash purchases in accounting? | Class 11 Book-Keeping and Accountancy

Types of Accounts under Book-Keeping and Three Golden Rules of Accounting -
   • Types of Accounts - Real, Personal, N...  

Also refer following Journal Entries-

Business Started with Cash-
   • Journal Entry : Business Started (Com...  

Cash Deposited in the Bank-
   • Journal Entry for Cash Deposited in B...  

Commission Received
   • Journal Entry for commission received...  

Interest Paid in Cash -
   • Journal Entry for Interest paid in ca...  

Interest Received in Cash -
   • Journal Entry of Interest received in...  

Cash Sales -
   • Journal Entry for Cash Sales | Class ...  

Cash Withdrawn from Bank-
   • Journal Entry for Cash withdrawn from...  

Rent Paid -
   • Journal Entry for Rent Paid - Class 1...  

Bank Charges Paid-
   • Bank charges paid - Journal Entry | D...  

Freight Charges-
   • Freight Charges Journal Entry - Class...  

#journalentries #accountancy #accounting #class11


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