Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Tempest 2000

Описание к видео Atari Jaguar Longplay [02] Tempest 2000

Played by: georgc3

I really wanted to do a longplay for this game since it was one of the most popular games released on the Atari Jaguar. It's also one of the hardest tube shooting games I've played. It's not a sequel to the Original Arcade version released (made by Dave Theurer) in 1980 but more of a remake. The original arcade version used 3D Vectors (Wireframes). This remake is rendered in full 3D Polygonal Graphics. It's really an awesome game but the difficulty levels can be a pain and very frustrating.

This remake is made by Jeff Minter. This game consists of 4 gameplay modes:
* Traditional (full Vector (wireframe) graphics like the original arcade)
* Tempest Plus (Partial Vectors (Wireframe) and Partial Polygons), with option A.I. Droid (your aid to kill enemies with and 2-player mode)
* Tempest 2000 (fully rendered 3D Polygonal Graphics)
* Tempest Duel (Partial Vectors (wireframe) and Partial Polygons), a 2-player mode where you compete other human players

I chose the Tempest 2000 since the graphics amazes me the most. This game has 99 levels. You can warp levels only when successfully completing the bonus rounds.

What I like most about this game it has a game save feature called Keys. It saves your progress in the game so you can pick up where you left off when you want to come back and play later. You can collect as many power-ups as you like as there's no limit but you must kill enough polygonal enemies for those red winds like power ups to appear. Power-ups give you the following capabilities:
* Particle Laser
This upgrades your ship's firepower. This also allows you to destroy spikes and enemies much faster. Usually this is your first Power-up.

* Points
After you your particle laser and before you get your jump enabled, you can earn bonuses of 2000 points.

* Jump
Very useful as it allows you to jump of the space web from enemies traveling along the web especially those yellow pulsars kill you with 1 zap.

* A.I. Droid
A cubic polygonal ship floating above the space web and aids in shooting at enemies with you.

* Warp Token
Get all 3 tokens from power-ups to play a bonus stage when you finish the space web you're on.

* Outta Here!
If you are lucky enough to catch this power-up you will destroy all enemies and you warp to next level automatically. Unfortunately, spikes are not destroyed; you can still lose a life if you're not careful depending which part of the web you're on.
Also, you are lucky enough to catch the power-up as you leave the space web for the next level, you will hear a woman saying "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Then, A.I. Droid is your first power-up. If you complete all 99 levels, the text will say you beat the game and try beating the harder difficulty called the beastly mode.

The levels are divided into different colors:
* Blue Levels 1:27
* Red Levels 12:31
* Yellow Levels 20:42
* Multicolor Transparency 31:36
* Purplish Pink 40:59
* Orange 53:19
* White 1:03:03
* White (Beastly Mode) 1:10:05

After, I have beaten the game. I noticed the Key; a game save feature only saves my progress only up to 97 levels. I decided to play at level 97 at Beastly Mode just for the fun of it. I played through level 97 on Beastly Mode I unlock at 1:10:05. I'm not a pro at this game but I showed all the levels I can.

Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!


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